Shawn Lindaberry Continuous Improvement Mba Intern Rtd

Richmond Times-Dispatch Summer Interns

The summer of 2020 in the Richmond region has been an unprecedented one, to say the least.

And our class of summer interns here at the Richmond Times-Dispatch has been an integral part in covering this historic season.

Keeping with our annual summer tradition, it's time for our readers to meet this year's intern class:


Richmond Times-Dispatch summer intern Johanna Alonso.

Johanna Alonso, general assignment intern

Hometown: Ellicott City, Md.

School, academic status: May 2020 graduate from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), where I double majored in English literature and media and communication studies

Interesting fact about yourself: I have a background in the performing arts; I've been doing musical theater since I was around 3 years old and almost majored in theater in college.

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Most surprising aspects of your work at the RTD so far: What part of this summer hasn't been surprising? From being one of the first people on the scene when the Stonewall Jackson monument was being brought down to stumbling into an interview with Trey Songz' mom at an event in Petersburg, every day just feels surreal.

I've also been incredibly grateful for how hard the RTD staff has worked to make sure we interns feel welcome, supported and appreciated, even as most people work remotely. From Day 1, when the interns were sent into Carytown to write our first story, it was evident that the editors here trusted us to tell big stories, but were also more than willing to guide us through any challenges. It's an amazing environment, one that has really helped build my confidence as a reporter.

Favorite thing(s) about Richmond: I know I'm missing out on a lot of what the city has to offer due to the pandemic, but some of the restaurants I've been able to order takeout or delivery from have been unreal. Whether I'm picking up a biscuit sandwich before work, ordering a gyro to the office or grabbing curry on the way home, it's hard not to splurge with so many amazing restaurants to sample before the summer ends.

Career aspiration: I'm not really sure, and graduating at a time when so many news organizations are struggling because of the pandemic hasn't made me any more certain than I was before. But one thing this internship has showed me is that, regardless of the specifics, if I'm surrounded by sharp, thoughtful journalists and I'm working to keep a community informed, I'm going to be happy!


Richmond Times-Dispatch summer intern Elizabeth Bell.

Elizabeth Bell, business news intern

Hometown: Colts Neck, N.J.

School, academic status: Washington and Lee University, rising senior, majoring in business administration and journalism

Interesting fact about yourself: I'm a huge "foodie" and my favorite hobby has always been cooking. I was 9 years old when I baked bread on my own for the first time.

Most surprising aspects of your work at the RTD so far: When the pandemic hit, I thought for sure my internship would be canceled. I'm surprised and grateful that I've had the opportunity to be in Richmond at all this summer. I've gotten to cover impactful stories, witness the resilience of local business owners as they navigate the pandemic, and meet so many welcoming and fascinating people. I've loved covering business news this summer, but I've had the opportunity to learn about covering breaking news, as well. One of my favorite assignments has been covering my own school, Washington and Lee University, as it considers changing its name.

Favorite thing(s) about Richmond: Tubing on the James River and the paella from Kuba Kuba are two of my favorite things in Richmond so far. But overall, I'm thankful to have had the opportunity to be in Richmond during such a significant moment in history. I've always been told that newspapers are the first draft of history, but that's felt especially true here this summer. I've gotten to cover the protests and monument removals and living a few blocks from Monument Avenue, I've watched protesters march down my street many nights. It's been an experience that I'll never forget.

Career aspiration: I hope to pursue a career in business journalism, where I can uncover unique and underrepresented stories. Before college, I had never considered a career in journalism, but I always knew that I wanted to choose a job where I felt like my work made a difference. I've been hooked ever since I took my first intro to reporting class, and I'm excited to see what the future holds.

Lyndsey Brennan

Richmond Times-Dispatch summer 2020 copy desk intern Lyndsey Brennan.

Lyndsey Brennan, copy desk intern

Hometown: Cleveland

School, academic status: Kent State University, second-year graduate student studying journalism and mass communication

Interesting fact about yourself: Before reading the news eight hours a day was my job, I worked in the children's section of a library, hosting storytimes for kids using puppets, musical instruments and flannel board sets. That work helped me fine-tune the art of keeping listeners engaged in a story. (Preschoolers are tough critics!)

Most surprising aspects of your work at the RTD so far: The amount of work that goes into each edition of the paper is incredible. I hadn't realized how many people look at, think about and discuss each article before it goes to print. Also, I didn't expect to enjoy working second shift this much.

Favorite thing(s) about Richmond: Funny enough, I've never been to Richmond before. Due to the pandemic, I've been able to remote in to a computer in the RTD offices from Cleveland and build relationships with my copy desk colleagues by phone, over Zoom calls and through Slack, our chat app. But having read about Richmond all summer, my favorite thing about it is the irrepressible spirit of those working to make the city a better place. It's inspiring to watch.

Career aspiration: I decided to switch careers when I realized I wanted to be the one asking the questions (rather than answering them) and putting my findings out into the world. My ambition is to be able to make a living doing that. If something I write or edit impacts someone or leads to positive change, then bonus.


Richmond Times-Dispatch summer intern Lane Kizziah.

Lane Kizziah, sports intern

Hometown: Chicago

School, academic status: University of Michigan, rising junior studying public policy and writing

Interesting fact about yourself: I sleepwalk — a fun skill until you're living in a college dorm with a bunch of strangers.

Most surprising aspects of your work at the RTD so far: I picked up the phone a couple of weeks ago, and it was Joe Theismann on the other end. Have to say that was the most surprising thing that's ever happened to me. Other than that, I've been surprised by the amount of freedom I've gotten to pitch story ideas. Right off the bat, I was able to go out and report on a story I wanted to do on the Appalachian Trail. I assumed I'd be doing a lot of "intern work," but I've gotten to work on so many cool projects and write stuff I'm really proud of.

Favorite thing(s) about Richmond: I've loved Belle Isle, the Capital Trail and all the things to do outside! There's always something new to explore. I also got the hot tip about Hanover tomatoes from one of the sports writers — way better than the tomatoes we have in the Midwest.

Career aspiration: I definitely hope to continue pursuing journalism. I'd love to write sports or features for any kind of newspaper or magazine or online outlet or really anything. I'm not picky.


Richmond Times-Dispatch summer intern Ali Sullivan.

Ali Sullivan, breaking news intern

Hometown: Colorado Springs, Colo.

School, academic status: University of Virginia, rising senior, majoring in media studies and government

Interesting fact about yourself: I was the reigning champ of an annual July Fourth ice-cream eating contest for five years straight from ages 8 to 12.

Most surprising aspects of your work at the RTD so far: This internship experience has been radically different from what I expected. In May, I figured I'd be working largely from home while writing up pandemic-related briefs. Instead, I've had the freedom to cover major stories, like ongoing protests, violent police confrontations and toppled Confederate statues. I've found myself in the middle of history more times than I can count.

Favorite thing(s) about Richmond: In a non-pandemic world, I love coming down to Richmond to thrift shop or check out the arts scene. But quarantine times mean that I split my time between my apartment and open-air spots. I've been grateful that Richmond has so much green space, and Texas Beach and Libby Hill Park have become two of my new favorite places for socially distanced activities. Also, this is my first time living in a city with an Aldi and I'm converted forever. Strawberries for less than a dollar?!

Career aspiration: A print journalist, hopefully. I love reporting on equity-focused community issues, so working at an established local paper or a nonprofit news outlet would be a dream.


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